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Tuesday, 21 May 2013

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Spiral Wound Gasket - Graphite & Non Graphite

The spiral wounds product range Planisteel Spiral Wound (SW) includes all types of gaskets for seal on the flanged coupling of any kind. The gaskets are realized in the dimensions and steels previewed from the regulations or in those request from the industrial applications, from the most common to the special ones.
The spiral wound is a gasket that must answer to the requirement of compressibility and elasticity in order to guarantee the seal. Therefore, we produces spiral wounds on modern machinery with controlled winding tension, in order to always offer an answering product to the technical detailed lists of the regulations.

Thanks to the versatile of its own plants, we are able to assure fast deliveries and also for series of limited quantities. Above that we offer consulting and technical support that only a constant effort of a strongly motivated teamwork can express.

Spiral Wound - Basic Type
Basic construction type, inner and outer diameters are reinforced with several piles of metal without filler to give greater stability and better compression characteristics. - Suitable for tongue and groove, male and female or grooved to flat face flange assemblies.

SWC - Outer Ring Type
Solid outer ring accurately locates the gasket on the flange face to give the additional radial strength to prevent the gasket blowout and acts as a compression limiter. In case of installing the outer ring, it is very easy to install the gasket to flange face because the end of outer ring will touch at bolts - Suitable for use with flat face and raised face flanges. For class 900 and above an internal ring is recommended.

SWI - Inner Ring Type
Solid inner metal ring acts as a compression stopper. To prevent accumulation of solids, reduce turbulent flow of process fluids and minimize erosion, damages of gasket between flange bore and the inside diameter, the annular space is filled up by solid inner metal ring. - Suitable for male and female pipe flanges.

SWCI - Inner & Outer Rings Type
A inner ring and outer ring type gasket will give an additional compression limiting stopper for gasket inner and outer side. It will prevent the corrosions on flange face at annular space. - Suitable for use with flat face and raised face flanges and specified for high pressure / temperature service - Class 900 and above or where corrosive or toxic media are present.

Material :
- Carbon Steel
- Stainless Steel 304
- Stainless Steel 316
- Alloy TP 321
- Monel ( NiCu30Fe)
- Graphite

Size : 1/ 2 " up to 40 "

Cara Pembayaran : Transfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & Pengiriman : STANDART PACKING
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Company Profil JAWA TEKNIK

Kami adalah pemain lama di bidang Pembuatan & Penyediaan Komponen dari rubber, carbon dan metal yang sudah lebih dari 10 tahun menjadi partner terpercaya dari beberapa industri dan perbengkelan kecil, menengah, dan Industri besar di Surabaya dan sekitarnya.

Sejak dibukanya situs indonetwork, kamipun mencoba untuk melayani kebutuhan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia dan tak disangka respon dari mereka ternyata begitu antusias hingga kami merasa perlu untuk terus memberikan yang terbaik untuk Perindustrian yang sehat di Indonesia.

Adalah kepuasan dan kebanggaan tersendiri bagi kami ketika mereka – para costumer- bukan saja merasakan keamanan, tetapi juga kenyamanan dari produk dan pelayanan yang mencerminkan ketepatan dan keakuratan bagi pemakainya.

Atas dasar itulah kami dengan fasilitas yang kami miliki bermaksud mengenalkan dan mengembangkan produk yang kami buat untuk membantu Anda memastikan keoptimalan Performa Peralatan Industri Anda..

Adapun fasilitas yang kami miliki antara lain :
- Turret Milling Machine 1 Unit
- Planner Type Milling 1 Unit
- Mesin Bubut ( Panjang 3 Meter) 1 Unit
- Mesin Bubut ( Panjang 1 Meter) 3 unit
- Mesin Grinding 1 Unit
- Mesin Potong 1 unit dan lain lain

Adapun barang yang biasa kami kerjakan untuk mesin2 industri umumnya tersedia dalam Berbagai ukuran terutama untuk non standar size , Jenis, atau sesuai Profil yang di pesan ( Modified/ fabrikasi) seperti:
- Pembuatan Mechanical Seal
- Pembuatan Hidrolik & Pneumatik ( Piston Seals, Rod Seas, Wipers seals, Guide Ring, Back Up Ring, Rotary seals, etc)
- Pembuatan Flexible Metal Hose, Expantion Joint dan Sistem Perpipaan lainnya
- Pembuatan Rubber Roll / Belt ( Conveyor)
- Pembuatan Oil Seal/ Rotary shaft seal
- O-Ring & V-Ring
- Produk dari karbon ( Carbon Brush/ Brostel, , Carbon seal, Carbon Bushing, etc)
- Produk dari Karet ( Rubber Roll, Rubber Cleaner, Rubber Collar, Rubber Scrapper, Coupling, Membrant/ Diaphragma, exp Joint, etc)
- Spring / Spiral ( Per Pegas)
- Sell & Rekondisi Valve ( Solenoid Valve, Gate Valve, Globe Valve, Check Valve, Ball Valve, Stop Valve, Foot Valve, Rose Valve, Straine Valve, Buterfly Valve, Diaphragm Valve, Control Valve, Expantion Joint, Knife Valve, Motor Valve, Safety Valve etc) .
- Repair Hidrolik & Pneumatik
- HARDCHROME semua jenis Metal
- Repair Roda Forklift
- Repair Rubber Roll

Dan Material yang biasa kami gunakan antara lain :
- NBR ( Nitrile Buna Rubber)
- Viton ( Fluorocarbon) , Viton Extreme
- Silicon
- Teflon
- Kalrez ( perfluoroelastomer) , Simriz, Chemraz
- Polyurethane
- POM, Polyamid, ecomid
- Forged Steel, Stainless Steel
- Cast Carbon, Carbon Antimony, Tungsten Carbon
- dsb

Kami juga spesialis dalam bidang:

1. Hot & Cold Insulation
2. Roofing
3. Fire proofing
4. Sound proofing
5. Ducting AC

Adapun material yang kami supply terkait bidang ini :

1. Hot Insulation:
– Rockwool ( Roll Lembar Pipa )
– Glasswool ( Roll Lembar )
– Ceramic Fiber ( Roll Lembar )
– Calsium Silicate ( Lembar Pipa )
– Asbestos

2. Cold Insulation :
– Styrofoam ( Lembar Pipa )
– Polyurethane ( Lembar Pipa )
– Rubber Insulation ( Lembar Pipa Merk : Armaflek & K-flek )
– Glasswool ( Roll Lembar )

3. Building Ins. :
– Roofmesh
– Glasswool ( Roll Lembar )
– Aluminium Foil S/ S dan D/ S
– Aluminium Tape
– Spindle Pin

4. AC Insulation :
– Flexible Duct Isolasi / Non Isolasi
– Glasswool ( Roll Lembar )
– Metalizing Tape
– Seng BJLS
– Glasscloth
– Spindle pin

1. Glasswool ( Glass Wool) blanket:
The blanket is suitable for acoustic and thermal insulation in tall building also for refrigeration air condition machinery room etc. with properties of good flexibility and installation convenient. Spesification :
- Resin bond content: 3 8 %
- Density: 16 kg/ m3 20 kg/ m3 24 kg/ m3 32 kg/ m3
- Thermal conductivity ( 705C) : 0.042 0.049 w/ m.k
- Subject to density and thickness
- Average acoustic absorptivity: 0.8 1.1
- Subject to density thickness and frequency
- Max. service temperature: 300C
- Average fibre diameter:

2. Glasswool Board/ Block/ Slab:
Fiberglass wool board is suitable for fireproof acoustic and thermal insulation in tall building also for refrigeration air condition machinery room etc. with properties of good load-bearing light weight low thermal conductivity non-combustible and chemical stability. Features Availability :
- Length x Width: 1200 X 600 mm / 2400 X 1200mm
- Thickness: 25 100mm

3. Glasswool Pipe Cover:
Glasswool pipe covers are suitable for thermal insulation of steam lines hot water or hot oil lines also insulation for refrigerating lines. Spec.:
- Density: 48 96 kg/ m3
- Max. service temperature: 300C
- Thermal conductivity ( GB/ T13350-92) : 0.045 0.032
- w/ m.k
- Average acoustic absorptivity: 0.8 ( 500-4000 HZ)
- Average fibre diameter: 4.0 6.0m
- Water repellent

Diskusikan kebutuhan mekanik anda dengan teknisi kami dan kami pastikan Anda mendapatkan yang terbaik dari kami

Monday, 6 May 2013

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Spesialis Isolasi Glasswool

Glasswool adalah bahan insulation, termasuk jenis isolasi termal dan akustik. Terbuat dari bahan tambang fiber ringan dengan inti berupa batu alam yang dipadukan dengan damar panas

Keunggulan Produk :
1. Daya konduksi yang rendah
2. Bebas digunakan dalam temperatur 100Â ° C - 250Â ° C
3. Tidak mudah terbakar dan aman
4. Tidak karat / berjamur
5. Daya fleksibilitasnya sangat baik
6. Bebas perawatan

Aplikasi produk :
1. Isolasi Ducting AC
2. Atap gudang / rumah
3. Peredam Suara partisi / ruang genset
4. Industri oven

Tersedia dalam bentuk : Lembaran dan Roll,
(blanket, sheet, wiremesh, PU) blanket density